Learning from Lilies

Venus in Aries makes a square to Pluto in Capricorn today. I’ve felt this mixture of energy coming for a while now. In the days leading up to the full moon eclipse in Scorpio, I noticed a handful of themes around control and relationships popping up like the seedlings that made themselves known during the solar eclipse in Taurus. 


“It’s like Groundhog’s Day over and over again,” I said to a friend. Soon after, I realized by even saying that, I’m giving in to that notion, I’m giving my power away to interactions, mentalities, and relationship dynamics I not only don’t enjoy, but I am allowing myself to repeat because I am not showing up for the parts of myself that want things to be different. I’m not keeping my energy to try something new, I’m not giving those past versions of myself what they so desperately needed in the moment that keeps repeating in variations to this day. It takes a lot of courage, and yet when you get past the fear, it feels so good. So refreshing. So much lighter.

Aries is not Venus’ favorite spot to hang out, and Pluto is unearthing the why (if there is one) behind rules, regulations, and the way things are/have always been done. It all feels a bit out of control, perhaps as a result of:


  • not setting/maintaining boundaries in a relationship

  • holding onto other people’s energy and not calling back your own energy 

  • putting too much energy into the hidden or unsaid expectations in a relationship

  • dimming your life force/shrinking yourself to maintain the peace in a relationship

  • holding onto stories you’ve made up in your mind about a relationship instead of seeing it for what it is and adjusting your approach 

  • seeking out relationships to fill a void instead of filling yourself up

And with Mercury still retrograde (now in Taurus), we have an opportunity to look at our mental patterns, communication habits, and whatever ideas we’ve picked up about what constitutes a good/bad relationship, sit with whatever comes up, and then test the waters with a new approach if we desire a different outcome. We won’t see the results right away, but that’s a major mentality we need to shift away in order to survive as the current structures of society continue to collapse around us.


There are so many memes and jokes around the fear associated with Mercury retrograde cycles and the immediate blame we place on this planet whenever anything bad happens. The joke is on us though, if we don’t take these opportunities to self reflect, self adjust, and self love. There’s so much to be learned if we dare to stay open, curious, and quiet.


Can we dare to allow pleasure and joy to sit side by side with pain, regret, sadness, and shame? Can we dare to show up as our authentic selves and put away the various expectations masks we don for different interactions or occasions? Can we dare accept our responsibility in how we contribute to a dynamic instead of putting it on another person or people? 


Growth isn’t immediate in the nature around us. So why do we hold ourselves and others to this expectation? Space and time are crucial to growing, blossoming, unfolding, and decomposing. 


Will we be bold enough to look within, unearth rocks, dig deep in the dirt, and observe how many nuanced, complex, and intricate relationships are needed to make a single lily unfold? Will we be patient enough to see that each lily unfolds on its own timeline in its own way? Will we be open enough to see and work with the magic all around us that continues to show up for us in support of rather than in spite of what humanity has done to date? I wish we will do all of this and so much more. 

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