1. What does my relationship with my body look like right now?
2. How does my body want to be treated? What does that look like?
3. What is currently blocking me from staying in right relationship with my body?
4. What stories do I need to release to help forgive myself for neglecting or abusing my body?
5. How can I commit to strengthening my relationship with the Earth and understanding how our bodies relate?
Our Reading for the Collective

- With Spring comes new beginnings, including a new sense of belonging in the body. Many of us are starting new, exploring the body’s many mysteries. The Fool’s medicine will differ for everyone. For some this may be a focus on sensuality and desire. For others, the Fool may be nudging you to move your body more or in new ways, trading weight lifting for qigong or yoga for running. And for others, the focus may be on what you are ingesting and whether or not your food/drink choices serve your current state of being. It’s wise to bring a beginner’s mind to whatever you’re exploring, while also staying aware of your surroundings. Carefree and careless are very different approaches.
- The body wants to be celebrated, lifted up, and cherished. Day in and day out it provides for you. How are you giving thanks and rejoicing all the ways your body has stood by your side? The Three of Cups also emphasizes the importance of balancing mind, body, and soul. The body asks you to focus on the Root Chakra and the Solar Plexus Chakra. Doing so will open up ways to recycle old energies and thoughts back down to the Earth to allow more of your soul to come through and fill in any imbalances.
- Allowing others’ opinions into your space muddles up the sound of your inner knowing and blocks out the warmth of your soul. The Queen of Swords says it’s beyond time to clear outdated stories or energy out of your body. As we enter eclipse season, it’s crucial that we work through any trauma, grief, anger, or fear stuck in the deep tissues of our body. Your body has the ability to heal – stop putting your trust in others when you can instead turn to the wisdom of your own lived experience.
- Stories rooted in holding grudges, cycling jealousy, or harboring anger have got to go! The 5 of Swords speaks to relationships with others as well as with former versions of ourselves. It may be time to sit with younger you and explain that you might not have had the tools or vocabulary to discern or protect yourself back then. While whatever happened was not okay or fair, it’s important to reassure younger you that current you is safe. Love on yourself to build trust back.
- The 4 of Pentacles answers with more questions. What are you hoarding and why? Who taught you to do that and is it helping anyone (including yourself)? Are you willing to share what gifts you have, or will you sit on them in fear? How can you stay grounded if you never/rarely/only when convenient give back to the Earth? The Earth will always be there for you. How can you return the abundance all around you?