The first time someone opened my Akashic Records and gave me a reading, I was told immediately that I needed to clean. My guides were so adamant, they gave me a checklist and details on what needed extra attention. I was warned that big shifts were coming and things needed to be tidy before they happened. I left the reading excited to have tried something new that sparked my interest for some time. I was equally annoyed that a lot of the reading I paid for focused so much on cleaning. I could have just called my mom for this reminder, I thought.
A few days later, I got around to cleaning. I scrubbed the toilets extra hard, and dusted the baseboards and blinds. After I cleaned, there was an immediate shift in the energy in my home, in my mental state, and in my dreams. Three months later, I was engaged. Six months later, two close family members went through multiple surgeries, some of which were life threatening. A year later, my fiance and I found and bought our first home together.
It’s safe to say that when I get the nudge to clean, I do it. Quickly and consciously. Lately, it hasn’t been a nudge, but a push.
After spending my weekend afternoons cleaning – one of which focused specifically on floors – I spent this morning in meditation, sitting on the wooden floor, instead of on my usual poufs.
“Feet and floors. Feet and floors. Feet and floors.”
I asked my guides what it is about those two. “Soak and sweep everyday.”
I asked if this was for me specifically. I was told this applies to everyone, but will be especially helpful for those with strong or multiple Taurus and/or Scorpio placements. With the upcoming eclipses, perhaps you already are feeling the energy building within your body and space. (Personally, my feet have been shedding multiple layers of skin since last week.) Start clearing anything that helps you make contact with the Earth now, rather than waiting until the energy is too dense later this month.
Keeping our feet and floors clean will allow stagnant energy to exit out and down into the Earth to be recycled. Without a clear exit, the energy could remain in the body and accumulate, causing sinus issues (Taurus) – sore throats from nasal drip – or digestive issues (Scorpio) – constipation or gas build up. The Earth wants to help recycle the energy because much more is to come. We are all deserving of this brighter energy, and we have to make room for it to welcome it into our lives.
I hope this insight helps. If you notice any shifts, let me know in the comments below. Until then, I’ll be sweeping and soaking.