Last weekend, as I set off on a long-distance drive, I kept noticing dead squirrels. The first one garnered a little gasp. The second received an “oh no.” By the sixth dead squirrel, I realized there was a message here to be decoded. I tucked it away for the remainder of my drive. Today, as Pluto stations retrograde, I opened up my Medicine Cards guide book. Since the squirrels were mostly belly up, I focused on the contrary meaning: the hoarder. One who constantly expects the worst and gets stuck waiting for it all to happen. This line stood up and out like a fence: “Waiting for something to happen is the trap.”
Most astrologers advise that it’s wisest to avoid manifestation and intention work during eclipses. Let the energies come and go, then pick up the pieces afterwards. So, why would this message come forth so strongly ahead of such an event?
I think it’s a wake up call from the Earth herself. With this solar eclipse happening in Taurus, conjunct Uranus, it feels like the biggest breakthroughs, mindset shifts, and growth spurts will occur through an acknowledgement of the subtle details and small things in life. It’s one thing to notice all the pretty flowers popping up. It’s another to sit with a flower and listen to her authentic song, learning about all that came before the unveiling of her colorful petals and plentiful pollen. We could sit in despair, fear, and anger, or we could become so still that we’re able to examine the most minuscule miracles happening all around us.

Add the stellium (Mars, Neptune, Venus, Jupiter) in Pisces to the solar eclipse mix, and the phrase “As above, so below” comes to mind. There could be A LOT of downloads happening in our dreams, insights that could spring from the subconscious to the conscious, nudging us to acknowledge our interconnectedness. For some, dormant knowledge or gifts from former lives might pop up, ready to be utilized again as humanity finds itself a seemingly familiar fork in the road. Whatever may be, the beauty of astrology lies in what you make of the energy.
On top of that, the T-Square between the nodes and Saturn in Aquarius adds another layer of the figurative onion. We get to choose which way things go with our relationship to the Earth, and consequently ourselves. Will we choose performative action, showing off all we have done to please others and receive attention, or will we choose to sit in our authentic sovereignty, become generous with our creativity and innovation, and give back to the Earth for blessing us with all we need to stay alive? Like the squirrel burying nuts for the spring, the messages we seek out and lessons we aim to take with us will have a lasting impact on our futures.
As I mentioned a few weeks ago, it’s extremely important to stay grounded in this energy. Soak your feet. Clean your floors. Walk barefoot outdoors. Sit below a tree. However you like to connect your energetic roots to that of the Earth, that’s one action I would highly advise this weekend (and beyond).